obex specifications

The obex specifications from http://irda.org/ are not redistributable any longer. And http://bluetooth.org/ is members only now.
There are some documents available at http://bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/Learn/Technology/Specifications/ though.

The Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol is outlined and information on the following interesting profiles is given:


If you want to report problems please enable debugging output with OpenOBEX and ObexFTP.

General debugging instructions

Remove any old installation of OpenOBEX and ObexFTP, first. Then get a fresh download of OpenOBEX and unpack it. Run a configure, make and install now:

make clean ; make ; make install

For obexftp it’s

CFLAGS="-DOBEXFTP_DEBUG=5" ./configure
make clean ; make ; make install

OpenOBEX uses debug levels 1-4 and additional dump levels 1 (tx only) and 2 (tx + rx).
ObexFTP uses debug levels 1-5 where level 5 enables packet dumping.

Gentoo debugging instructions

CFLAGS="-DOBEX_DEBUG=5 -DOBEX_DUMP=1" emerge openobex
CFLAGS="-DOBEXFTP_DEBUG=5" emerge obexftp

RPM-based debugging instructions

Can someone please post instructions how to run a RPM-based rebuild with the above CFLAGS?

Creating/submitting a patch

Please diff against current svn trunk. Check-out the source:

svn co http://dev.zuckschwerdt.org/svn/openobex/trunk /tmp/openobex

Apply your changes to the source tree at /tmp/openobex. Create the patch:

svn diff /tmp/openobex

Paste the output into a file (or redirect the svn diff output), then create a ticket and attach the patch.

libopenobex network buffer reimplementation

As explained on libopenobex mailing list, there is now a new implementation of openobex network buffer with a LGPL license that can be included on the next releases of the lib. It’s being used in Siemens XMPM and included in OpenOBEX with release 1.3.


If you are a developer, you are certainly interested in OBEX API documentation