
FUSE based filesystem using ObexFTP (currently beta).

The caching layer has been removed as it is provided by the ObexFTP library now. Actually ObexFS is just a thin layer wrapping a basic ObexFTP client into FUSE callbacks.


You will need FUSE 2.3/2.4, OpenOBEX, the latest ObexFTP and ObexFS itself.

See also obexfs-with-debian and Howto for Thinkpad.

If you install this on desktop-centric distributions like Fedora, please note that you need to install openobex-devel and obexftp-devel (and probably more) packages to compile from source.

To mount the filesystems, you may use the mount command with the -t fuse (which will call mount.fuse), as root, or the obexfs command, as a user belonging to the fuse group (obexfs will in turn spawn fusermount). Unmounting may be done by fusermount -u.


A second, slightly more complex program obexautofs is included now. There is no need for a peer on startup anymore. It will scan for Bluetooth and USB devices and show them with their nickname. (scanning for IrDA, or Serial transport isn’t implemented yet.)


Plain mount

mount -t fuse obexautofs# /tmp/mnt


mount -t fuse "obexfs#-b00:11:22:33:44:55 -B6" /tmp/mnt


obexfs -u 0 /tmp/mnt


add to /etc/autofs/auto.misc

obex            -fstype=fuse,allow_other    :obexautofs#

myobex          -fstype=fuse,allow_other    :obexfs#-b 00-11-22-33-44-55 -B 6

By default only the user mounting with fuse can see the fs. That is why the option allow_other is needed. It might be a security risk.
Note that autofs requires the use of dashes instead of colons.


add to /etc/fstab

obexautofs#                   /mnt/host    fuse    allow_other    0 0


obexfs#-b00-11-22-33-44-55    /mnt/host    fuse    allow_other    0 0

By default only the user mounting with fuse can see the fs. That is why the option allow_other is needed if you mount this as root user. It might be a security risk.

If you want to mount as unprivileged user use this instead:

obexautofs                  /mnt/host  fuse  user    0 0


obexfs#-b00-11-22-33-44-55  /mnt/host  fuse  user,fsname=obexfs#-b00-11-22-33-44-55    0 0

The ‘fsname’ option is needed to allow users to umount the fs.

Using fstab spaces in mount point name (especially before -B option) must be replaced with their octal character code (040) preceded by \ (backslash), e.g.:

obexfs#-b00-11-22-33-44-55\040-B6    /mnt/host    fuse    allow_other    0 0


mkdir /tmp/mnt
obexautofs -- -d -f /tmp/mnt


obexfs -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -B 5 -- -d -f /tmp/mnt


obexfs -b 00:11:22:33:44:55  -B 10 /tmp/mnt


fusermount -u /tmp/mnt